AGC Amphibious Fleet Flagship
INLS Improved Navy Lighterage System
LC(FF) Landing Craft, Flotilla Flagship
LCA Landing Craft, Assault
LCAC Landing Craft, Air Cushion
LCC Amphibious Command Ship
LCI Landing Craft, Infantry
LCI(G) Landing Craft, Infantry, Gun
LCI(L) Landing Craft, Infantry, Large
LCI(R) Landing Craft, Infantry, Rocket
LCM Landing Craft, Mechanized
LCM/ML Landing Craft, Mechanized, Minelaying
LCP Landing Craft, Personnel
LCPL Landing Craft, Personnel, Large
LCPN Landing Craft, Personnel, Nested
LCPR Landing Craft, Personnel, Ramped
LCR Landing Craft, Rubber or Riverine
LCS Landing Craft, Support (prior to 2004)
LCS(L) Landing Craft, Support, Large (Rocket)
LCT Landing Craft, Tank
LCU Landing Craft, Utility
LCV Landing Craft, Vehicle
LCVP Landing Craft, Vehicle and Personnel
LCW Landing Craft, Wing-in-Ground-Effect
LFR Inshore Fire Support Ship
LFS Amphibious Fire Support Ship
LHA Amphibious Assault Ship, General Purpose
LHD Amphibious Assault Ship, Multi-purpose
LKA Amphibious Cargo Ship
LPA Amphibious Transport
LPD Amphibious Transport Dock Ship
LPH Amphibious Assault Helicopter Carrier
LPR Amphibious Transport, Small
LPSS Amphibious Transport, Submarine
LSD Dock Landing Ship
LSM Landing Ship, Medium
LSM(R) Landing Ship, Medium, Rocket
LSS Landing Ship, Support
LSSL Landing Ship, Support, Light
LST Landing Ship, Tank
LSTH Landing Ship, Tank, Evacuation (Hospital)
LST/ML Landing Ship, Tank, Minelaying
LSU Landing Ship, Utility
LSV Landing Ship, Vehicle
LWT Amphibious Warping Tug
MPFUB Maritime Prepositioning Force Utility Boat
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